What should you look for in your next Neighbourhood?

Looking to make a move? Let’s make sure you’re satisfied with the local area before you purchase your new home.

Here’s what to keep in mind before deciding on your next neighbourhood:

📍 Location:
Does the neighbourhood’s location make sense for your lifestyle and preferences?

🏡 Home Types and Price Point:
Do the types of homes meet your needs & wants as far as size, layout, and style? Do they work for your budget?

💸 Property Values:
Are the homes in the area appreciating in value?

Do you like the neighbourhood’s amenities, such as parks, community centers, walking trails, etc.

🏗️ Future Growth:
Is the area already established, or is there potential for new development nearby? If there are new developments, will this impact you positively or negatively?

Be sure to consider these five factors before settling on your next neighbourhood to call home!

And if you’d like us to review an area with you, we would be happy to share market data alongside lifestyle info. Reach out anytime to get started!

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